Transportation to and from Taman Negara
Nowadays, transport from Kuala Lumpur to Taman Negara is quite easy and available in more options compared to before. However, plan your journey ahead is important. Choose your preferable transportation modes that suit your budget and time.
Taman Negara is connected to or from cities and towns within network of transportation systems throughout Peninsular Malaysia via road, train and river. Due to it remote location, travel modes to Taman Negara is a bit limited compared to other popular tourists destinations in Malaysia.
There are few popular transportation options to travel to Taman Negara. They are: –
Upon completion of your tour, get bus or shuttle service from Taman Negara to Kuala Lumpur or continue your journey to other destinations by bus or shuttle from Taman Negara to Cameron Highlands, Kuala Besut Jetty (Perhentian Islands), Kuantan etc.
To check and book the online ticket – click here